Sorry to those of you who still check in on our blog for not posting sooner. Life has be hectic, good but hectic. Just to update you Jackson was 4 months old on Tuesday the 9th! He is changing so much with every week.
At his appointment he was 15.2 lbs and 27 inches long. He is in the 65th percentile for weight and above the 95th in length. Looks like someone is still on target to be a tall and lean boy. His eyes are still a grayish brown but turning more brown with each week. His hair is beginning to grow back in lighter than his newborn hair. It looks like the color I had as a baby, very light brown. He is laughing, smiling, cooing and talking to us. He just start blowing bubbles and making wet raspberry sounds when he is happy. He can hold is head up so well when on my hip, in his bebepod seat, or when we hold him sitting. He loves to chew on things, especially his own hand. Teething has begun! He likes his excersaucer and doesn't like his playmat anymore. He loves looking at our faces and watched us to see what we are doing even when I try to give him independent play time. He is so close to rolling over but has only done it once. Per our dr.'s advice I have increased tummy time which he hates! He usually starts off fine and then fusses and sucks on his arm.
He is sleeping through the night with one early morning feeding (yay for sleep!) and usually gets up between 6:30-7:00. We are in the trenches of the Ferber sleep method though. Nighttime is going well, but naps are another story. Since Jack was colicky I was doing whatever necessary to get him sleep, mainly nursing to sleep. While that was working great, mom was beginning to think I needed an ankle monitor because I felt like I was under house arrest. I am constantly anxious about leaving the house for any length of time. What if he gets hungry? Dad can't feed him he's boycotting bottles! What if he gets sleepy? Dad cant nurse him to sleep! How can I leave the house! For my sanity and the well being of everyone else I come into contact with we decided something had to give. Don't get me wrong I love breast feeding but I knew I was setting myself up for a long battle if I let the habit perpetuate.
So naps are a battle. Jackson was so tired today. He had a good morning nap because I nursed him to sleep...shame shame. But I needed him to have somewhat of a decent nap before we dove into the Ferber method. Then he was pretty out of it from taking only two 30 minute naps this afternoon. I'll post soon about our progress. He went out like a light tonight, but I'm still prepared for some (haha lots) of crying in the coming days. So hard! But it will be better in the long run.