Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How I told my class I was pregnant- Last week on the first day of school I was playing a game called teacher teaser ( thanks Hannah for the idea). Anyway the way the game went was I asked the students questions about my self that they could guess the answer to and in turn find out about their new and totally cool teacher Mrs. McPherson. So I would ask questions like "Do I have any pets?", "What's my favorite food?" and stuff like that. The idea was that I would only call on students who raised their hand and didn't shout out. After a summer of being allowed to talk and yell when ever they want this type of practice is much needed the first week of school. So I asked the class the question "Do I have any children?". I called on one of my new little girls who smiled and perfectly raised her hand. She then answered "No, but your gonna. My momma and I can tell and she's had lots of babies, so she knows." I was so shocked I didn't know what to say so I just laughed as 18 pairs of eyes looked at me. Oh the joys of 8 year olds!

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