Sunday, December 21, 2008

32 weeks

32 weeks and the countdown has officially begun, from here on out we are in full baby watch mode!

If the baby were to arrive anytime after this week he would be considered a premie but also healthy and would require a minimal hospital stay. It's starting to get exciting. Even Daniel has expressed anxiousness at meeting our son and wanting to hold him. We are off to Houston for the Christmas holidays, our last Christmas without a baby. It's hard to believe that our little man will be hear in just a 7-9 weeks It feels like a long time to go still and then again very short. This week baby boy McPherson has been moving around with extreme force. This past week his kicks and movements have gone from mildly discomforting to down right painful at times. I'm also experiencing regular Braxton-hicks contractions which can also be a little uncomfortable, but practice makes perfect! Daniel and I have been to multiple holiday gatherings over the past two weeks and decided to put up a photo of the baby's first Christmas party. I think he had fun, at the very least he liked the food!

We hope everyone has a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas! May the gift and love of Jesus be in your hearts,
Frances and Daniel

1 comment:

Sarah and Eric said...

You guys look so cute! I love your shirt! Wow, I can't wait to see this little guy!