Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting Closer...

37 weeks-

Daniel and I had our weekly appointment on Friday and we found out I have made more progress. The doctor said I was now 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I was hoping for more progress than that because I have been so uncomfortable this week.

My family and co-workers think it's time for me to start my maternity leave. I'm having trouble walking at work or rather waddling and I'm still having contractions and they are really hard to handle while teaching. Even though all that is going on I'm still nervous about leaving. I feel like there is still so much to wrap up and finish but the fact is this baby is coming and I'll have to go on maternity leave at some point.

My doctor is fine with me starting my leave so I guess the only person not convinced is me. I know it would be best to spend a few days resting before this little man comes into our lives. So I will most likely take the advice of my husband, mom, co-workers, and mother-in-law and start my leave this week to avoid going into labor in front of 18 children, that sure would be some science lesson! For now I need to just pray for peace with starting my leave earlier than I thought I would and know that everything will work out the way God has planned it!


Sarah and Eric said...

I think that is very wise of you. I am sure it is a little unnerving to leave your class, but you have to take care of you! We will miss you!

Lora said...

I'm with Sarah (and it sounds like lots of other people!) Take time and hopefully enjoy some rest before your little man arrives. We will miss you at school and can't wait to see pictures!