Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone... We are now 34 weeks and 2 days along. Only 40 more days until D-day. I'm really beginning to think this little guy is going to come earlier though. My practice contractions are only getting stronger and more painful and I think he might be running out of room in there. And as one wise woman at work told me "You know what happens when they run out of room? They've gotta come out!". I hope she's right. I'm ready to hold this little guy and be able sit down comfortably again. I took an updated picture of the growing belly yesterday. As you can see it's getting bigger every week, well everyday is what it feels like. I'm a little apprehensive about going back to work after being gone for the holidays. People like to make comments like "You've gotten soooo big!" and "Look at you!". I know they are well intending but I still let them know that it's not me whose getting bigger it's the baby and it suppose to happen! Do they want me to be pregorexic! Anyway, I should just learn to block out all the comments but I'm hormonal and sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily these days. So here is a little piece of advice from me to you and then I'll stop me rant. If you come across a pregnant lady in the near future please be kind and don't comment on her size, the size of her belly or anything else that could in some way indicate weight gain, just say "You look great!" or "You're glowing!". It really could make her smile and make her day! Happy New Years to all out there!

1 comment:

Sarah and Eric said...

I'll keep all that in mind when I see you tomorrow! I am sure you are just so excited. I can't believe he will be here so shortly. Has the time flown by for you? I know you have been so uncomfortable. Is your little wall art a piece or painted on? It's so neat. Is that in your baby's room? Take care Frances! And you do looking glowing by the way!